My Handsome Boy a Very Happy Birthday!!! On Saturday the 22nd of August Trey will be nine years old. I cannot believe it. Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday that I was holding him in my arms just like I hold Aiden. I never would have thought that this is where my life would be right now. I am so blessed to have my "three" boys in my life. Treylan is such a good boy. I remember when he was just taking his first steps. A gorgeous blonde haired, blue eyed mischevious little guy. Now he is going into the fourth grade. We are so proud of him. He excels in school and participates in all kinds of sports and activities. He is such a independent boy. He is not afraid to jump in and do things on his own. He is such a sweet brother to Aiden and LOVES spending time with him. I LOVE how he sings to him and reads him books. It just melts my heart. He couldn't be more proud to be a big brother and I couldn't be more proud to call him my son. Thank you Trey for being such a great boy. I LOVE you SO much. I hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday!!! You deserve it:)

What a good looking boy!
Cute pics of Trey Shauni!!!! He's growing up so fast! You did a good job with those photos!!! Wish we could be there for Treys Birthday! Maybe we could celebrate Trey's Dad's and Robbie's Birthdays when were together in California....Tell Trey and Aiden I LOVE them and I'll call Trey on his Birthday...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREY!!!!!
I can't believe he will be nine. Time goes to fast. I love his pics he is so cute. We were just getting a card ready for him to put in the mail. Tell him Happy Birthday and that we will call him on Saturday!!
I have no idea how Drew's name came up but that last comment is from RANDI
What a handsome young man he is. He looks so grown up. I can't believe he is 9 already. So so Crazy. Trey I love ya buddy. I wish we could have been there on your birthday! Miss you! Aunt Tiffy
I can't believe you have a nine year old! Time really does fly! He is a good looking boy for sure!
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